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Who are we?  

Breeders Association is a non-governmental organization which has 500 staff and 200.000 members on national base. They are organized among themselves on provincial base and aim to breed sheep and goats.

Legal Ground  

“Regulation of the Establishment and Services of Livestock Breeders Associations” under the “Veterinary Services, Plant Health, Food and Feed Law” published in 2011.


• Breeding programs and corresponding herd book and yield control studies
• Ear tagging
• Sheep and goat stud sales
• Animal health
• Input provision
• Dissemination and training
• Marketing
• Publicity
• Representation
• Consultancy service
• Guiding livestock policies

Breeding Program  

Pure line breeding could be achieved by creating and preserving the genetic potential. Breeding program includes;

1. Improvement of Turkish sheep and goats breeding potential and utilization.
2. Providing sustainability of sheep and goat breeding.
3. Integration of national breeding programs with the “National Sheep and Goat Breeding Project of Turkey” carried out by the Ministry.
4. Integration of national breeding programs with regional-local strain and breeding projects.
5. Forming a sustainable breeding production based on yield and pedigree records from the point of an on-going breeding program.
6. To improve functionalities of sheep and goat breed certificate programs.

DAKBIS (Information System for Breeding Sheep and Goat)  

With a web-based program developed by Central Association, all the operations can be carried out by the local associations.
This program also have “breeding management module” which is used for “National Sheep and Goat Breeding Project of Turkey.”

Membership Requirement  

Members must be in the same province with association, carry out a breeding program and own sheep and / or goats with same strain or genotype.

Benefits of Membership  

Ewes and nanny goat's owner can benefit from government funding. If sheep and goat producers have pure line and genotype, herds can be involved in breeding projects. Breeders can use low interest credits. Breeders can have consultancy services.

Benefits of Organization  

Members gain prestige and power by coming together, improving their potentials and exhibiting their animals at fairs.

Why Sheep and Goat Breeding?   

Sheep and goat breeding is different from other livestock farming by means of structural, economic and technology uses. It is more profitable when compared to cattle breeding; because sheep and goat breeding is more advantageous under extensive conditions by using meadow areas, marquis scrubland, straws and non-agricultural areas.

Herd Marketing  

Herd surplus ewes and nanny goats can be easily sold over marketing price.


Breeders can obtain financial supports from the government and Community Based Ruminant Improvement Project